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Business Breakfast Event

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Tshwane North TVET College under the stewardship of the principal hosted the  Business Breakfast with Captains of Industry  under the theme “ Nurturing and Sustaining Partnerships” . The Keynote address was presented by the  Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Science, Innovation and Technology Mr. Buti Manamela at the CSIR Convention Centre in Pretoria on Wednesday, 29 March 2023.The event was honoured by DDG-TVET branch, City of Tshwane Council Speaker, CEO's, MD's and Directors from Education and Training Sector strategic partners, Industry and Business Leaders as well as leaders within the skills development sector.



The event marked the next big step in the education and training landscape and to this end, the ability of the College Principal and council to lead in the creation of partnerships with industry and/or workplaces as this is of critical importance. Working with partners can strengthen and deepen the College’s relationships. “Partnering with industry plays a pivotal role in enhancing growth, a better work-life and great opportunities for the institution and students” . said the principal


Ms Tsibogo also highlighted the one  core responsibility of a TVET College which is to break down barriers to opportunities by creating pathways for young people to access skills training programmes, access workplace based training, articulate into higher education, and pursue self-employment without any hindrance.


These are mutually beneficial partnerships with the sole aim of being profitable for all involved parties. The most important part of partnership is decision making by

both or all parties. This, among others, will necessitate a benevolent and amicable collaboration. Based on this reality, the principal Ms. Thembi Tsibogo, deemed it fit to host the Deputy Minister of Higher Education Mr Buti Manamela, as a keynote speaker to delve on effective partnerships and to encourage delegates to come on board. 


The Deputy Minister emphasized the importance of Colleges and industry working hand in glove instead of working as separate entities. TNC is proudly an Alma Mater to Mr Buti Manamela, the Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Science, Innovation and Technology. 


After all the deliberations and networking, guests indulged in the mouth-watering sumptuous “brunch” and refreshments. This will be an annual event to strengthen

our partnership with business and all stakeholders with a common goal of empowering, training, equipping and contributing to the betterment of our students,

staff and the institution at large.

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