TNC Governance Structure
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Continuing Education and Training Act, No. 16 of 2006, as amended, the Tshwane North Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College Council (“the Council”) is hereby constituted. The Council is entrusted with the legal obligation of providing oversight over the implementation of the strategic focus areas of the College. Thus, the Council working together with the College management commits to –
- assist in setting and steering the strategic direction of the College through the strategic planning processes,
- approve a range of policies and other related documents in an endeavour to assist the College in attaining its strategic outcomes, and
- report on the overall performance of the College as part of accounting to the stakeholders of the College.
External College Council Members

Mr T Phidane
Council Chairperson (Interim)
Prof. N Mazibuko
Interim Deputy Chairperson

Prof. F Nemavhola
External Member of the Council
Ms. M Phiri
External Member of the Council
Ms. P Maleho
External Member of the Council

Mr ND Khoza
External Member of the Council: Representing the Donor Community