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Code OF Conduct

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TNC Students Code Of Conduct

A student enrolling at the College assumes an obligation to conduct him/herself in a manner compatible with the College’s function as an educational institution.


Students are expected at all times to behave in a courteous and considerate manner towards each other, class reps, the SRC and all members of staff and visitors to the College.

Students should guard against doing or saying anything that will bring themselves or the College into disrepute. No student will be allowed to behave in a manner which disrupts the learning of another student, or which causes another student physical or emotional harm.


Ensuring disciplined behaviour on the part of students is not only the responsibility of the college; parents have an obligation to ensure that their children conduct themselves in the College according to accepted norms and correct behaviour.

Students at the age of 18 years and below: parents have to be contacted to correct wrong behaviour. Those at the age of 21 years may be contacted directly. Any student above the age of 21 years is deemed to be an adult with full understanding of the decision he/she makes. Therefore such a student with an unbecoming behaviour should be directly contacted in order to dealt with the correcting of such unbecoming behaviour.

The College will contact parents when a student becomes a cause for concern and will endeavour, in a spirit of constructive partnership, to resolve the problem. The parents, however, remain responsible for ensuring that their child meets the disciplinary standards required by the College, the SRC and College Council.


Expulsion of a student from Tshwane North College will take place in accordance with the terms and conditions as set out in the policy on Disciplinary Measures for Students.


By signing the registration form a student submits himself or herself to the rules and regulations of Tshwane North TVET College, and by so doing affirms that he/she is familiar with all these rules and regulations, and shall obey such rules and regulations, and shall obey such rules and regulations. The College has an interest in behaviour, subject to its code and has the right and responsibility to exercise its jurisdiction and take such action as is appropriate to protect this interest.


By signing the registration form a student submits himself or herself to the rules and regulations of Tshwane North TVET College, and by so doing affirms that he/she is familiar with all these rules and regulations, and shall obey such rules and regulations, and shall obey such rules and regulations. The College has an interest in behaviour, subject to its code and has the right and responsibility to exercise its jurisdiction and take such action as is appropriate to protect this interest.

  • Steal, illegally claim, use, abuse, destroy or remove property of the college, or of a staff member, a fellow student or any other person on the campus.
  • Be in possession or under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or illegal intoxicating substance while on College grounds or on excursions.
  • Be in possession of dangerous weapons, firearms or explosives on the College premises without permission.
  • Mount, spread or exhibit any banner, placard, notice or circular on or near the College grounds without the necessary permission.
  • Behave in an insulting, unseemly or improper manner towards a staff member, member of the College Council, fellow student or any other person with authorised access to the College.

A student is also expected to abide by the rules and regulations of his or her division / department, which will be in line with the College rules and regulations. All students are to be in possession of the College identity card at all times. College security must not be hindered in conducting their duties.

Illegal meetings are prohibited. Permission for Student Body meetings are obtained via the SRC with the permission of the relevant Campus Manager or the Principal of the College.

It is required of students to make good progress in their studies and to always be positive towards College activities. NATED students are expected to compile a term / semester / year mark. Year marks for Business Studies and Social and Utility Studies are valid for two consecutive years and for Engineering Studies are valid for three examinations (not necessarily consecutive) Students are urged to consider the term mark seriously as the final mark will be composed of 40% of their term mark and 60% from examination mark.

NC (V) student as per the National policy on the conduct, Administration and management of the Assessment, must complete all necessary ICASS and ISAT tasks to build their year marks.

Medical or any other appointments may not be scheduled in College time. All personal appointments should be scheduled after College hours or during weekends except where the respective Head of Department grants permission.

Students must behave quietly during their free periods, and must leave the campus after their classes have ended for the day, or go to the study centre. The cafeteria, toilets, lecture rooms, the campus and all campus surroundings must be kept clean at all times.

A student is expected to comply with examination rules, failing which, the college management will endeavour to inform parents/guardians or notify the student if above 21 years.

The Campus Manager, or any member delegated to do so, will deal with transgressions not specifically identified. The Principal shall approve final action in any particular case before it is executed.

Where the Disciplinary Committee recommends expulsion to the Principal, a full record of the hearing proceedings must be forwarded to the Director General of the Department of Higher Education and Training.

After considering the full record of the proceedings and the recommendation by the Disciplinary Committee, the office of the Director General of the Department of Higher Education and Training/the Principal must either:

  • Expel the student; or
  • Impose on the student a lesser punishment permitted by the code and this policy; or.
  • Suspend or postpone a sentence referred to in paragraph 7.3 for a period of not less than six months; or
  • Find the student not guilty.

If the Principal expels a student, the student may not enrol at any other Campus of Tshwane North TVET College or any training provided by the College of any external service provider until set duration of expulsion has been fulfilled.

Appeal against decision of Principal

A student or parent may appeal to the Minister/Director General against:

  • Any finding of guilt by the Disciplinary Committee in respect of which a penalty of suspension has been imposed; and
  • Any finding of guilty by the Principal in respect of which a penalty of expulsion has been imposed.
  • A student or the parent who wishes to appeal against a decision must, within 14 days of being notified of the decision, hand deliver a notice of appeal together with the ground/s for the appeal to the officer of Minister of Higher Education and Training/ Director General.

On the receipt of the notice of appeal the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) shall respond in writing to the appealer. S/He may Dismiss the appeal;

  • Impose on the student a lesser punishment permitted by the code;
  • Impose any other sanction deemed appropriate.
  • Find the student not guilty and notify the student, parents and the representative of the student and the Principal of the decision.
  • The decision of the Member of Executive Council/Minister/Director General in respect of the appeal shall be final.
Procedures of GRADE 1 Offences
Serious Misconduct that may lead to Suspension

A student will be guilty of serious misconduct if he/she, intentionally and without just excuse:

  • Seriously threatens, disrupt or frustrates teaching or learning in a class;
  • Engages in a conspiracy to disrupt the proper functioning of the Public Technical and Vocational Education and Training institution through collective action;
  • Insults the dignity of or defames any other person, which includes racist remarks;
  • Distributes, or is in the possession of any test or examination material that may enable another person to have an unfair advantage in the test or examination;
  • Cheats in a test or examination or any other form of assessment such as assignments;
  • Sexually harasses another person;
  • Is found in possession of or distributes pornographic material; or
  • Is under the influence or in the possession of alcohol.
Procedures of GRADE 1 Offences

Grade 1 offences are dealt with in the first instance by the lecturer concerned.

Lecturers are encouraged to inform the Student Support Services Manager on Campus with the Senior Lecturer of misdemeanours.

When a fourth offence occurs, the matter is referred to the Departmental Manager who issues an official letter to the student with a warning that if there is repetition, a final warning will be issued before referral to the Disciplinary Committee.

No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Books left at homen Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecture
2. Homework not done Verbal reprimand
3. Homework not done on time AU - Applicant Unsuccessful
4. Homework copied from another student Written punishment Deduction of marks (homework / project)Purple
No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Non-arrival Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecturer
2. Late for classes Verbal reprimand
3. Doing other work in class Written punishment Deduction of marks (homework / project)
Extra-Mural activity
No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Non-attendance – without a valid excuse Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecturer Verbal reprimand Written punishment
Conduct in classroom / On Campus
No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Cheek / insolence Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecturer
2. Defacing desks / walls / books etc Verbal reprimand
3. Disruption of lessons Written punishment Deduction of marks (homework / project)
4. Eating / chewing in class Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecturer
5. Foul language Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecturer
6. Late arrival at class – without a valid excuse Punishment meted out responsibly at the discretion of the lecturer
7. Littering Pick up the litter under the supervision of the SRC and SSS
8. Continuous sleeping in a class Refer to SSS Manager for intervention
9. Use of cellular phone in class Not allowed unless permitted by the lecturer in class; unless it is used for curricular activities in class, with the knowledge and permission of the lecturer as per curricular requirements.

Procedures for GRADE 2 Offences

Grade 2 offences are referred to the Departmental Manager/Senior Lecturer who in some cases may refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee

CS refers to Community Services – which involves students in physical labour, e.g. picking up litter, cleaning walls, sanding desks, etc. Smoking offences at non-designated areas shall be handled by the SRC and class representatives.

Official warnings are carried over from one term to the next, over a 6 - 9 months period of time.

Conduct in classroom / On Campus
No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Damage to student / Campus property Community service Fine – cost of repairs Referrals to D.C
2. Disruptive / uncooperative in class imposition Written assignment DC attention
3. Dress-code infringement (repeated) Refer to SRC in charge – – D.C
4. Extra-mural activity – not attending Refer to SRC in charge
5. Fighting DC attention
6. Repeatedly late for classes Community service Referral to D.C
7. Offensive printed material Interview with chairperson of Council Community service Referral to D.C
8. Racist remarks / insults Community service, Referral to D.C
9. Smoking in building Fine Referral to D.C
10. Bunking of lectures Phone call to parents by Departmental Manager Referral to D.C
11. Not returning college handbooks at end of the year Payment according to the costing as per book
12. Vandalism of campus property Referral to D.C. Community service Fine – cost of repair/damage costs

Grade 3 offences are always dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee and referred to the Principal. Parents will immediately be informed of suspension(s) both telephonically and in writing.

Parents will be called in for an interview with the Campus D.C. Chairperson, not necessarily with the Campus /SSS Manager.

Conduct in classroom / On Campus
No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Cheating in test/internal examination Changing marks on the academic report Nought for paper Suspension Official procedures laid down by Department
2. Verbal abuse of lecturer Suspension from class Community service
3. Fraud with deposit slips Suspension Official procedures laid down by Department
4. Lying on affidavits for bursary application purposes Suspension Official procedures laid down by Department
5. Criminal Offences In possession of stolen goods Expulsion Suspension Community Service Recoup of repair/damage costs
Procedure for GRADE 4 Offences
  • Grade 4 offences are dealt with by the D.C. and referred to the Principal.
  • Parents will immediately be informed of suspension, if a student is below the age of 21 years).
  • Parents will be interviewed by the Principal, and if necessary, by the Chairperson of the College Council.
  • Alcohol and drug abuse will involve referral to SANCA.
  • Suspension and possibly expulsion will be considered for the following offences:
  • Assault on lecturer
  • Dangerous weapons
  • Drugs
  • Theft and vandalism of campus or lecturer’s property
Conduct in classroom / On Campus
No. Punishable offence Recommended punishment
1. Alcohol – drinking at campus/on campus outing Suspension from campuses Expulsion Community service
2. Alcohol – possession at campus/on leaving. Causing Disruption Expulsion Community services
3. Assault on lecturer or student Suspension from campus Expulsion
4. Dangerous weapon – possession & threatening Expulsion Community service
5. Drugs : Possession/dealing/consumption Suspension from campus Expulsion
6. Physical threat to lecturer or student Suspension from campus Expulsion Treatment at SANCA
7. Satanism Suspension from campus Expulsion
8. Theft Expulsion

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