BBW- Mechatronics Business Lunch
BBW in partnership with Tshwane North and Ekurhuleni West TVET College’s hosted a business lunch to create an avenue and platform for networking amongst industry companies & key players in the vocational education and training sector (i.e DHET, SETAs, QCTO & various & relevant Associations concerned) and to participate in valuable discussions around building sustainable relations through this project and beyond
The Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw gGmbH) has partnered with Tshwane North College Rosslyn campus & Ekurhuleni West College Germiston campus on a vocational training project to capacitate and develop lecturers in the field of Mechatronics based on the German dual system.
The project has been ongoing since 2019 and we are currently in Phase 2, developing and upskilling 14 TVET lecturers combined from both the above mentioned colleges.